Sunday, March 8, 2009

Doesn't get much better than donuts

Dave and I are huge fans of taking the girls out individually. We don't plan it on the calendar, but if we are headed somewhere fun, we grab a hand and out we go. Dave mostly takes the girls to Taco Bell or to get his hair cut. I like to be a little more adventurous.

Tonight, Eloise and I hit the jackpot of mama dates. I took her to Trader Joe's with me to get a few things. I figured since we were out we might as well get dessert somewhere. Krispy Kreme is just down the street from TJ's. Every prego girl loves a donut, right?

To our great delight, the HOT NOW sign was out. When we got in there, Eloise must have stood in front of the glass watching the donuts for 10 minutes. All I could think about was getting in line so we could get a free one. She obviously wasn't aware of the delicious goodness that was awaiting her.

I finally peeled her away from watching the donuts swim in their "water" and travel down through the frosting fountain. We sat and ate our free donuts and I bought a chocolate milk to share. I spent $2.00! If that isn't overcoming recession, I don't know what is.

After we finished, I let her watch the donuts for a while longer. I tried to think of ways I could get the donut kid to give me another free one. No good ideas came to mind. As if pregnancy isn't enough to warrant a second trip through the free donut line, I felt a little and possibly a bit gluttonous. No second donut. I will thank myself when I'm not pushing out a 10 lb boy.

So next time you are out with the kiddos, look for the HOT NOW sign and it may be the best adventure your kid has had in a while, and the cheapest.


Shelby said...

Our Krispy Kreme went out of business a couple of years ago. Can you believe that? Your post was making my mouth!

TcH said...

You know what is weird, is that I was ADDICTED TO, and would crave these until I got PG!!!
Now I rarely crave them.
I guess it's good for my waist line, but darn! All the fun I miss out on. LOL

Im glad you and Eloise had such a nice time together. Fun!!!!

Jenny said...

OH FUN! Sounds like Eloise was in heaven.
I thought I heard somewhere that they were maybe going to go out of business here too?!

I'll have to go before that happens if I was told the correct information.

Love ya!

rebecca said...

Mmmm, a chocolate glazed, bavarian creme filled donut sounds delicious! I need to go to TJ's too, so I think i may just be visiting KK's as well. I wonder which would be cheaper, driving around until Nik falls asleep, or just buying him one. OR, buying myself one and waiting to eat it until he falls asleep, yes, that's it.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, droooolll, how I miss the "HOT NOW" sign. When I lived in SC it was like a beacon in the night. We don't have Krispy Kreme out here, well we do but it's in a box, from some factory, far away, too far for hot anything. But my husband just gives me that quizzical look when I try to explain how your heart is set aflutter when that neon sign is lit.