Tuesday, December 11, 2007

zoo lights

We went to Zoo Lights on Sunday. It was so much fun. I was so excited to have our first Christmas outing as a family.

Eloise is obsessed with Christmas lights. I mean obsessed. When we come home after our errands in the evening, she starts crying because she wants to see Christmas lights. So I knew this evening would be the best for her.

They had a train to ride around the zoo. She sat with a huge smile on her face the entire time she was riding. And to add to our Christmas experience, it was snowing! I can't wait to go to Peacock Lane this weekend.


TcH said...

OH I can't wait for Peacock Lane! We went last year and it was so much fun. Take a SMALL stroller or no stroller at all if you can swing it. It was NUTS last year and I was so glad I had the umbrella stroller. Much easier than her HUGE Graco one.

I want to go to zoolights too!!! I just love this time of year, seeing it through their eyes! Its fun isn't it????

Jodi said...

ZooLights in the snow?!?! What could be better?!

I really want to do both this week but it's not looking like we'll have time. I think we'll have to pick just one.

I'm glad Eloise loved it.