Thursday, January 17, 2008

leftover baby

Despite my best effort to lose the baby weight, I still look pregnant to my 2 yr old. (BTW - when I'm pregnant, I gain ALL of my weight in my belly, so I'm not surprised by this)

Eloise staring intently at my stomach:
Eloise:"Mama, is that your baby?"
me: "no, that's my tummy. I don't have a baby"
Eloise: "mrs. gibby has a baby in her belly" (mrs. gibby is 9 months pregnant - as of yesterday)

I joined the gym today.


TcH said...

AWWWW dont take it personal. You look great! I can't believe your only 6.4 from your goal! That is awesome. I had my kid three years ago and Im 10 from mine! eeks.

What gym did you join?

AnonyMe said...

Kate, love and hugs from one belly to another! I still have at least 20 to go.

AnonyMe said...

Kate, love and hugs from one belly to another! I still have at least 20 to go.

kate said...

t - i joined 24 hr fitness. we were memebers before for 5 years and stopped when we moved. but now we jumped back on. I'm really looking forward to the classes.

beth - hugs right back at ya

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate,
My friend, Amy's five year old son told me the other day, "Kate, your clothes make you look different." I said, "Different how?" He said, "Different like you have a baby in your belly". Amy was mortified while I explained to Charlie that some people just have tummies without babies in them. He was amazed! Amy is 5 foot 11 and about 120 pounds, so needless to say he isn't used to seeing mommies with tummies that often. Hmmm Mommies with Tummies...that has nice ring to it.

See you Friday!

Katie said...

Um I'm not coming over... She'll think I'm PG too! Seriously, I'm focusing in again on WW. I feel so out of shape and fat. And I'm joining the Nike gym this week. I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!!

So let's keep up with each other. Seriously, you are so close and looking SO good.